Center for Quality of Life

New Possibilities for Life and Work!


Center for Quality of Life; Burt Woolf
Life Coaching Services

Transform your world; realize your full potential !

Since 1998, Burt Woolf has been coaching individuals, helping them discover their inner capacity to address personal an professional life challenges. He was an active member of the International Coach Federation and maintained a flourishing coaching practice.

From 2004-2011, Burt engaged in an intense period of personal reflection, study and research at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) School of Education where he was a full-time doctoral student in Educational Policy and Leadership, receiving his Ed.D. degree in May of 2012. Burt's doctoral dissertation focused on adult transformative learning; namely, ways that people can change their world-view in order to live life more productively and resourcefully, in a context of personal satisfaction and fulfillment, regardless of the challenges they may be facing in their life! Click here to download a copy of the dissertation on-line. Title: What's so different about making a difference?! Transforming the discourse of worklife and career."

Burt now brings to his coaching practice, the knowledge, understanding and insight of his extensive research. He specializes in helping people address life transitions.. in relationships, family, work and community.