Center for Quality of Life

New Possibilities for Life and Work!


Center for Quality of Life > Programs and Services
Effortless Leadership® Programs


As a leader, have you ever found yourself struggling, fretting, doubting, or resisting change, and wondering why, at times, the experience of leadership can be so frustrating, difficult and even painful?

Since the mid-1970's we at C4QL have been studying, observing and experiencing people who seem to lead without effort -- leaders of organizations and communities who seem to get their job done without apparent struggle. We've found that such people are not necessarily more technically or intellectually competent than others. But they do share certain personal qualities that we have identified, and around which we've designed a unique and exciting executive training and development program called Effortless Leadership.

What is "Effortless Leadership?"

Most traditional leadership training programs focus on the techniques, attitudes and behaviors of leadership. Effortless Leadership? Programs on the other hand, enhance the inner context of your leadership experience. Through keynote speeches, seminars, workshops, and courses) our
Effortless Leadership® programs help you:

  1. Know where you?re headed
  2. Be clear about who you are,
  3. Feel strong, confident and self-assured,
  4. Nurture a loyal followership,
  5. Enjoy resourceful and productive relationships with others,
  6. Take assertive action with ease,
  7. Create a community of peer support around you, and
  8. Eagerly look forward to the future.

These 8 categories of results help professional and organizational leaders be more comfortable and productive in their work. They are based on the 8 Principles for Quality of Life of that are the foundation of each and every program conducted by the Center for Quality of Life.

Why "Effortless?"

Our Leadership Development programs address what it takes for a leader to manifest "leadership" as a nurturing personal experience. Through our programs, leaders clarify and refine personal vision; build inner reserves; replenish creative energy; and re-kindle a feeling of self-determination. These are the inner qualities that result in dramatic personal performance and productivity.

With such assets, leaders are better equipped to learn and practice the best skills and techniques of good leadership: listening, decision-making, supervising, motivating, administering, etc. With mastery of the 8 Principles of Quality of Life, executives and managers are more resistant to professional paralysis and burn-out. Commitment to their position and the organization for which they work is renewed and heightened. Their careers continue to grow from within, even after many years of executive service.

How Programs Are Delivered

Whatever the form of service, each Effortless Leadership program offering is informative, interactive, experiential, lively, and transformative:

Convention and Conference Sessions are the perfect way to present the basic concept of Effortless Leadership to large groups. For professional meetings and conventions, we can deliver a brief talk, keynote presentation, or conduct a seminar/workshop based on our
Effortless Leadership® principles and programs.

Seminars that cover the basic concepts of Effortless Leadership can be conducted at your location to a specific in-house audience, and last one to three hours.

Workshop Intensives and Training Curricula provide optimum results in the principles of Effortless Leadership. Programs of this kind are designed for a full day or longer. A long term (up to six months or more) on-site training curriculum can be designed for extended in-house impact.

Distant learning training courses (via telephone) enable small groups of participants to benefit from the program without leaving their desks. Tele-courses consist of weekly one-hour group calls over a period of several months.
For more information on any of the programs described here, please contact us, or complete a Booking Request Form on line right now!

Who Leads These Programs

Burt Woolf designs and personally leads our Effortless Leadership® programs. Burt is the founder and Chief Principal of the Center for Quality of Life in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. [click here to learn more about Burt].

Burt first developed the concepts of Effortless Leadership in 1998. In June of that year, he presented the first Effortless Leadership seminar at the 44th Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) under the title: Effortless Leadership: Creativity as a Source of Your Mastery. Since that time, Burt has been regularly using the 8 Principles of Quality of Life in his consulting practice, in speaking engagements, in workshops and retreats he leads, and during his tenure as the Executive Director of the Creative Education Foundation (2001-2003). Since founding the Center for Quality of Life (C4QL) in 2003, Burt and his colleagues have been bringing personal transformative strategies into the lives of people in all professions.

Who Should Attend/How to Host a Program

Effortless Leadership® programs are well-suited to an array of professionals and senior workers:
  • senior/chief executives
  • managers on the way up
  • seasoned consultants or coaches
  • entrepreneurs
  • nonprofit managers
  • association executives
  • trustees and directors
  • government agency heads

Effortless Leadership® Programs can be sponsored by:

  • Professional societies and trade associations, chambers of commerce, and community-based leadership programs (on behalf of members and constituents).
  • Corporations (in-house executive and leadership development).
  • Public sector support agencies and foundations (to enhance the capacity of area nonprofit and government executives, or community civic leaders).
If you are interested in hosting/sponsoring an Effortless Leadership® Program, please contact us using the booking forms below, or by contacting us on line right now [click here]!

Use one of these
"Booking Request" Forms
to contact us about sponsoring
a C4QL program

Booking Form (MS Word) for emailing
Booking Form (PDF) for faxing